CALM by Barisparildar


As a photographer you have to make critical decisions all the time. Preparation to a photo journey usually starts months in advance. You find the photo locations, make reservations, tune up your gear, make purchases etc…

But the real decisions are made during the trip. You watch the light, weather, sky, traffic, road conditions. It’s sometimes more stressful than being fun. Because you gotta be at the right spot at the right time. You usually have only a little time to get the picture in your mind.

Last couple days I was on the road with some friends. We had an incredible time discovering new locations together. It was probably one of the greatest trips I’ve ever done.

This particular shot was shot right after an incredible sunset. I made a terrible decision. I left this lake cause I thought I could get a better light 15 miles east. I was totally wrong. When we got to the other location we realized we missed an amazing sunset. I drove like crazy to go back to this spot. But it was too late. Perfect colors were gone.

I’ve been shooting for a long time now. I could have cried if this happened to me a few years back. This time I was so calm as the lake right in front of me. Only thing I wanted to do was to enjoy this beautiful view with my friends. And I did it. I took this shot as a reminder to all my future photo journeys.

I will always do my best to get the best light but if I can’t it is not the end of the world. Earth is beautiful and one day I will come back and get a better picture of this beauty.


Please tell us what you like about this picture. Thanks!