Abstract of the Underwater World. Production by Nature by Jenny Rainbow


One of my last days in Maldives I was staying at the jetty and waiting for the boat transfer, the seaplane was getting late, but my camera has been with me and I started to explore an exciting underwater world, now Im sharing with you what I saw and photographed …

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Say ah by adamhanlon


A tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) gently mouths my camera. Sharks are equipped with amazing electroreceptors, and the circuits in my camera and strobes obviously warranted closer inspection. Despite appearances, there is no biting going on here-just a gentle feel of the port.

Taken at Tiger Beach, Bahamas

Say ah by adamhanlon


A tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) gently mouths my camera. Sharks are equipped with amazing electroreceptors, and the circuits in my camera and strobes obviously warranted closer inspection. Despite appearances, there is no biting going on here-just a gentle feel of the port.

Taken at Tiger Beach, Bahamas