/////FLAMING BEAUTY///// by Clara Hinton


We can try to copy the beauty of nature, but we will never do it. All of the attempts we make will fall far short of the natural beauty found in a colorful flower in bloom. Why then do we often pass by such priceless treasures? Make it a point today to stop and not only smell the roses, but to admire each and every fold in the petals!

EXPLORED: March 9, 2009 – Thank you!!!!!

NOTE: Thanks so very much for your visits, comments, and invites. Your friendship is a daily treasure. I hope you enjoy the beauty of today to the fullest!!!!!

Wonderful world by eMMa_bOOm


I see trees of green, red roses too.
I see them bloom, for me and you.
And I think to myself… what a wonderful world.

(sung by Louis Armstrong)

This macro was taken with a Raynox 250, and is just cropped, otherwise straight out of the camera. As always best seen LARGE
(I’m doing my best catching up with all the -very much appreciated- invites! At the moment, I’m a bit busy, but I will try to catch up ASAP)