Favorites | Svea


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By erik.schlicksbier

Favorites | Svea


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By erik.schlicksbier

Underwater | Fibonacci underwater world


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Take it by Andrea_Izzotti

Favorites | My what big teeth you have in Black and White


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Take it by Steve Wilson

Artistic Beauty In Longevity The Bristlecone Pine Trees are the world ol by thomas390


Bristlecone Pine Trees are the world oldest living things.They go back to more than 5.000 years.I consider being blessed to have visit this National Park,which is located in the State of California (USA). Among all the places, that I have visited The Bristlecone Pine National Park was the best. You have to see up close, to take in all its beauty. These trees express many tangible and intangible. I can name a few intangible, longevity, beauty, endurance and struggle and many others. You can check my photostream and you would find quite a few bristlecone scenes. I hope that you will see the beauty in these old trees, as I did.