Underwater | On the carpet


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Ouverture by stefan_mitterwallner


Past March I was finally able to travel to New Zealand, which had been on top of my holiday wish list for a couple of years. Due to its nature of being a holiday with (non-photographer) friends rather than an actual photo-journey there were certainly some compromises to make.

Lake Matheson was one of the more popular places we visited. Nothing groundbreaking here, this was taken as a panoramic image from 3 shots, each of which is blended from 2 different exposures.

To see more of my work, feel free to check out my website or visit me on facebook.

Sleeping Beauty by Waterfall Guy


Sunset over Lake George from Sleeping Beauty summit. Last week I couldn’t make the summit of Peaked Mtn. because of knee deep snow. This week on Sleeping Beauty was much better. There was only 5 inches of snow and better yet the temps were in the high 40’s. The only downside was the the trail turned into a giant Slush Puppy. The reward was this sunset. Worth the effort.

On a technical note: Double Processed RAW file to balance sky and foreground. Shot at f/22 for lens flare on sun.

Maldives: Wonder of nature by m o d e


Vote Maldives for the "New 7 Wonders of Nature"

The Maldives archipelago has been nominated for the New 7 Wonders of Nature campaign. This campaign is a process in which seven natural wonders of the world are chosen by people through a global poll which will be declared in the year 2011.

I would like to call all Maldivians, friends and well wishers of Maldives to join our effort to make Maldives as one of the Natural Wonders of the World.

Vote for Maldives